Start a transaction

Once a terminal has been paired, you can start a transaction.

If you haven’t paired your terminal yet, here’s a guide to get you started.

Starting a transaction is similar to the pairing process where you post to the API to initiate the process and then poll the URL that is returned and wait for the status to change.

Follow the below steps to start a transaction:

The process for a sale can be summarised as

  1. Send a post to /Terminal/{tid}/Sale/with the body containing the JSON{ amount = xx.xx }

  2. You will receive a response containing a transactionID and a ResourceUrl

  3. You can then poll the resource URL by checking the http status. Initially, you should expect a 404 error as the transaction has not been created, but within a few seconds, you will receive a 200 error with a content body containing transaction details. The object returned will have a Pending status.

  4. Continue polling the resource URL until the status changes from Pending to InProgress and then finally to one of the complete states such as Approved

  5. Once the transaction is complete the object returned from the ResourceUrl will contain an array of receipt information in the `Receipts` property.

  6. You can now send a get request to the /Transaction/Receipt/{TransactionId}/{ReceiptId} URL where you will find an HTML formatted copy of either the merchant or customer receipts.


Example Code

The code example below shows the following :

  • Initial request to API to initiate transaction

  • Polling the API at 500ms intervals waiting for a complete status.

The code assumes that a valid token has already been acquired and that an HttpClient has been instantiated.

Transaction Statuses

Below is a list of the transaction statuses that you could encounter.

Transaction Types

There are a number of transaction types which can be carried out which follow the same process as the example above, in these cases all that needs to change is the URL that the initial post is sent to as shown in the table below.

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