Status Description
Pending Initial state after the transaction starts but has not been sent to the terminal
InProgress Transaction has been sent to the terinal and is being processed
FailedTerminalNotConnected We tried to send the transaction to the terminal but it is not connected to our system
FailedTerminalBusy We tried to send the transaction to the terminal but it appears that another operation is in progress
Approved Transaction has been complete successfully
Declined Card issuer has declined the transaction
CardNotSupported Card issuer has indicated that the card does not support the current transaction type
Aborted Transaction was cancelled
Terminated Transaction wa terminated
TransactionNotSupported Similar to CardNotSupported - the transaction type is not supported
FailedTerminalNotAuthenticated The terminal paired to our system is reporting a terminal ID that we do not recognise
Refunded Applies to a sale, indicates that the value of the transaction has been refunded