Transaction Type | URL |
Sale | /Terminal/{tid}/Sale/ |
Sale with cash back | /Terminal/{tid}/SaleWithCashback/ |
Pre Auth | /Terminal/{tid}/Preauth/ |
Completion | /Terminal/{tid}/Completion/ |
Reversal | /Terminal/{tid}/Reversal/ |
Refund | /Terminal/{tid}/Refund/ |
Verify | /Terminal/{tid}/Verify/ |
Customer not present sale | /Terminal/{tid}/CNPSale/ |
Customer not present refund | /Terminal/{tid}/CNPRefund/ |
Customer not present pre-auth | /Terminal/{tid}/CNPPreAuth/ |
Customer not present top up | /Terminal/{tid}/CNPTopup/ |
Customer not present completion | /Terminal/{tid}/CNPCompletion/ |
Customer not present forced sale | /Terminal/{tid}/CNPForceSale/ |
Customer not present forced refund | /Terminal/{tid}/CNPForceRefund/ |
Customer not present verify | /Terminal/{tid}/CNPVerify/ |
Customer not present credit | /Terminal/{tid}/CNPCredit/ |
Refund Transaction ** | /Transaction/{tid}/Refund/ |
** Differs from a terminal refund as it looks up the value automatically and links the sale to the refund for easy reconciliation.